Thursday, 4 April 2013


I've been working on some new (and old) photographs for new screen prints, so here are a few of them.  The sleeping ones are going to be part of a group of prints.  I'm also using it as a way of getting back into screen printing because it's been a few months.  

My mum recently found hers and my dad's old passports and I love the aesthetic of them and the moment in time that they capture, so I'm going to print them. I'll expand more on them when they're properly printed on MDF. At the moment my ideas are a bit sketchy. 

Saturday, 26 January 2013

I Know My Eyesight's Bad But You're Fucking Blind.

So when I cleaned my room at my parents' house out I found these gems, some lithoprints from first year uni.  I've framed them although I have no recollection of doing this.  Oh and my camera alignment is still off, hence the dodgy pictures. 


Raspberry Beret.

So I haven't uploaded anything in a while.  Not since graduating, but I have been working on some things.  I also have a "proper" job to contend with at the moment.  So that's nice.  But here is something nicer, some monoprints in a series I've collectively named Raspberry Beret.  It's the first group of prints I've done in a long time that aren't influenced by maternity.  I've also got some screen prints done and dusted and waiting for frames but I haven't photographed them yet.  So here are the Raspberry Berets...

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Carys and Lois visit the Degree Show

Carys and Lois (my goddaughters) visited the degree show last week just before it closed. I managed to capture some shots of them playing about beside the prints, which of course feature both of them in ultrasound form. Here they are...