Saturday, 26 January 2013

I Know My Eyesight's Bad But You're Fucking Blind.

So when I cleaned my room at my parents' house out I found these gems, some lithoprints from first year uni.  I've framed them although I have no recollection of doing this.  Oh and my camera alignment is still off, hence the dodgy pictures. 


Raspberry Beret.

So I haven't uploaded anything in a while.  Not since graduating, but I have been working on some things.  I also have a "proper" job to contend with at the moment.  So that's nice.  But here is something nicer, some monoprints in a series I've collectively named Raspberry Beret.  It's the first group of prints I've done in a long time that aren't influenced by maternity.  I've also got some screen prints done and dusted and waiting for frames but I haven't photographed them yet.  So here are the Raspberry Berets...